At IEGS We strive to nurture Lifelong learners who embrace Challenge, and who are Brave and ready to Explore.
Embrace Challenge. At IEGS we believe in the value of the process, not just the outcomes. We encourage you to reflect on your learning, set goals and improve. You will be given the skills to embrace challenge, take academic risks and learn from your experiences.
Global Citizens. We are an international learning community of students and teachers, and by showing compassion and empathy, we aim to foster responsible global citizens.
IEGS is also a research and data driven school, where we collaborate to continually improve the quality of our instruction.
At IEGS we promote scholarly and critical thinking in English. It is our aim that every student develops their critical faculties during their three years at the school. We have seven departments, each with a Head of Department, that help support teachers with course content and teaching objectives.
Learning Journey. Our Teachers are committed to supporting you in your learning journey. We believe that every student has the capacity to develop intellectually, personally and morally.
Know Our Students. We aim to Know Our Students through a student-centred learning approach. We prompt you to be curious and to explore ideas independently and in collaboration with your teachers and classmates.
English & Philosophy
Language is a tool for communication, reflection and learning. It is the foundation of knowledge and we actively promote self-reflection and critical thinking. The English and Philosophy Department at IEGS offers English 5, 6 and 7, Philosophy 1 and 2, as well as Creative Writing and Rhetoric. For International Baccalaureate students we offer English A: Literature and Language, English B and Philosophy.
På IEGS skaffar sig eleverna en hög språklig kompetens och lämnar skolan som effektiva användare av två och ibland flera språk, varav svenska oftast är ett. Skolans internationella profil har gett oss stor erfarenhet av att undervisa såväl infödda svensktalare som nybörjare och allt däremellan. Oavsett förkunskaper är vårt mål att alla som kommer till IEGS ska utveckla sin svenska på bästa möjliga sätt under sina tre år hos oss.
Elever som går enligt svensk läroplan läser kurserna Svenska 1, 2 och 3 eller Svenska som andraspråk 1, 2 och 3. Med start hösten 2015 erbjuder vi även tillvalskursen Litteratur.
The Mathematics Department at IEGS is a dynamic department committed to making the study of maths as accessible and enjoyable as possible.
In addition to each member of staff having a one hour tutorial time per week, we also provide support staff. Dedicated staff are on hand to provide students with as much help as they need with their Math courses. We also have an open door policy, encouraging students to ask for help or guidance from any teacher when that teacher is available.
Natural Science
The Natural Science Department at IEGS has a tradition of success and has established an excellent relationship with some of Sweden’s top university science departments.
The students studying the Natural Science Programme at IEGS have been specifically selected by the Karolinska Summer Research Program to participate in their summer school. No other Swedish school has placed more than 1 or 2 students each year.
Social Science
The Social Science Department at IEGS offers an exciting and diverse pre-university program that prepares students for university studies in the social sciences, as well as law. The Department is, by its nature, interdisciplinary and the subjects taught in the department include Civics, History, Geography, International Relations, Religion, History of Culture and Ideas, Psychology, Business and Law.
Modern Languages
The Modern Languages Department teaches a variety of languages at all levels, from beginners to more advanced: French (level 1-5), German (level 1-5), Mandarin (1-3) and Spanish (1-5). Please note that the language levels offered are dependent upon number of students who choose this elective.
In addition, our department also coordinates the teaching of a wide range of mother tongues as requested by our multicultural student community.
Our staff are all native speakers in their respective languages. They come from China, Colombia, France, Germany, Italy and Spain, and are qualified teachers.
Aesthetics & Human Performance
Acting as IEGS’s hub for creativity and physical performance, the Department of Aesthetics and Human Performance (AHP) offers a range of academic and practical courses. These courses enable students to develop genuine life skills that they will draw upon in both their future academic studies and their professional career paths. The Department of AHP incorporates three key subject areas, namely Art, Drama (Theatre) and Physical Education.