Why choose IEGS?

This is your programme if you are looking for an exciting and diverse pre-university program that prepares students for university studies in the natural sciences. It is particularly suited to students who excel at Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths. 

The department has a tradition of success and has established an excellent reputation among Sweden’s top university science departments.

Over the years students studying the Natural Science Programme at IEGS have been specifically selected by the Karolinska Summer Research Program to participate in their summer school. 

How do we teach?

The faculty who teach science are highly qualified from world-renowned universities such as Oxford, UCL, Harvard, Uppsala University, UEA, Sheffield, KTH and Karolinska Institutet. Many have experience from teaching at university level or working in industry.

Where can I go next?

Graduating from IEGS with the Natural Science Programme will give you the skills to pursue university studies in Sweden or abroad in the natural sciences, humanities, business, law, economics and the arts. If you are looking for a career in medicine, veterinary science, dentistry, engineering, biology, chemistry, biotechnology, business, criminology, international development, education, law, psychology, among many others, this is the kind of programme you should be considering.

The Programme

This programme seeks to develop the abilities of students to research, analyse, and communicate within the context of a wider awareness of the natural sciences and its interaction with other scholarly disciplines. The goals of the programme are to:

  • acquaint students with the principal concepts and practices in the natural science disciplines
  • help students develop an understanding of the scientific method and objectives of current natural science research
  • develop the language skills of the students so that they can communicate at an appropriate level generally, and specifically, in the vocabulary of the natural sciences
  • equip the students with the capacity to establish relationships between the principal elements and concepts of the natural science disciplines
  • help students integrate the disciplinary knowledge into a coherent framework.


Are you ready?

Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet Södermalm (IEGS) is an international Upper Secondary school located in the heart of Södermalm with a strong academic tradition and a commitment to helping students develop to their full potential.
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Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet
Allhelgonagatan 4
11858 Stockholm
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