The IEGS basketball team played their first match of the 2021-2022 season against Stockholm International School known as SIS. The match was conducted on the 25th of November on Thursday around 16.00 pm. Since IEGS did not have a referee, SIS brought their own referee which allowed this game to be more controlled. The game consisted of 4 quarters of 10 minutes. IEGS had a team that consisted of 14 players while SIS had a team of 15 players. IEGS controlled the game at the start but SIS never stopped their fight to get the win. Through the first three quarters, IEGS was leading the game by an average of 15 points however, SIS made a comeback in the fourth quarter which made the conclusion to the game more intense. IEGS took home the hard-earned win 50-47. After the friendly game, both teams took pictures together to save some memories from this incredible game. Thank you to both teams for playing the game in such a good competitive spirit and well done IEGS on a great victory.