Let World Book Day open up a World of Books!
World Book Day is a yearly event, celebrated April 23rd, organized by UNESCO as a worldwide tribute to books and reading. According to UNESCO April 23 is a symbolic day for literature, since on that date 1616 both Shakespeare, Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega died.
More information about World Book Day and UNESCO.
Welcome to Distance Lecture by Poet Mona Monasar
To celebrate World Book Day we have invited the poet Mona Monasar to give a lecture on writing and poetry. It will be held online on Friday 24/4 at 9:25. If you don’t have class at that time you are welcome to join! Send an email to the librarian sofia.gronwall.sodermalm@engelska.se and she will share the link to the Google Meet with you. The lecture will be in Swedish.

A few words about reading
Reading can be many things. It could be curiosity or comfort. It could be looking for knowledge or looking for fun. For exploring the past or fantasizing about the future. Reading can open up worlds you have never seen before or help you understand the world we live in. It could be personal or it could be sharing.
Take the opportunity to read today and let us celebrate World Book Day at a distance. It is a good thing reading can be done anywhere!
Looking for something to read?
The librarians at Stockholms stadsbibliotek give you their best book recommendations (in Swedish).
What should I read next? Is a matchmaking page for you and books. Simply write a book or author that you like and it matches you with new books.
Goodreads is both a good place to keep track of your reading and get new recommendations. Create your profile and add books that you have read, want to read or are reading. You can read other’s recommendations and be friends with like minded readers.
Let’s not forget about poetry! Mr Tebo’s videos for National Poetry Month give you an introduction to many of the world’s great poems.
Reading in your mother tongue or practice reading in another language
Stockholm public library has put together a webpage with links to free e-books, audio books and e-resources in many different languages. You don’t need a library card to access.
Världens bibliotek is Stockholm public library’s page for e-books and audio books in Albanian, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Farsi, Dari, Somali, Tigrinya, Arabic, Kurdish, Polish, Thai and Turkish. You don’t need a library card.
World Book Day competition
Finally, we want to hear from you! Tell us about a book that meant something to you. Write a few lines and take a picture with you reading the book or something you think symbolises the experience. You can win a book shop gift card. Email it to Ms Grönwall (sofia.gronwall.sodermalm@engelska.se) before May 31st. Good luck!
Ms Grönwall, School librarian