Letter from the Principal

IEGS Blog | 8 April 2020

IEGS moved to distance learning following the recommendations from Folkhälsomyndigheten on March 18th, 2020. This means that our students are now studying from home, following their normal schedule with their teachers. 

Distance learning is a new experience for us all.  We are committed to supporting and guiding our students so they are able to achieve their potential, whatever their situation. However, it is the students’ responsibility to continue learning and to keep using the opportunities made available to them. 

The shift to distance learning at IEGS has been a smooth transition, and we are impressed by our staff and students' adaptability and positivity in light of the circumstances. Teachers continue to communicate with classes about various assessment opportunities that are coming up and how assessments have been modified so that students can evidence their learning to their teachers. They do so via our usual platforms of communication with classes. 

We recognise that the situation for many is very difficult at present and we wish to offer our empathy and support in ways that we can. The IEGS Care Team, administration and guidance counsellor continues to work in school. This means that in addition to their teachers and mentors, we are available to our students offering support and guidance regarding their academics and their wellbeing.

As we continue to monitor the situation for our school, we will update you with the actions that we will be taking.  

Read more about Covid-19 at Folkhälsomyndigheten:


Kind regards,

Dr Heimeier

Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet Södermalm (IEGS) is an international Upper Secondary school located in the heart of Södermalm with a strong academic tradition and a commitment to helping students develop to their full potential.
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11858 Stockholm
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