Science Month in the Library

IEGS Blog | 2 December 2019

Science Month in the library starts Friday December 2nd and lasts until Christmas. Fiction and non-fiction books with scientific theme will be on display in the library during this time. 

Welcome to the library, and browse through the wide selection of amazing literature! 

Fika sessions with book discussions on Thursday 5 Dec and 12 Dec at 15:00.

Come and be inspired to read a book, or to discuss the book you are currently reading with other students. 

Science book quiz

Test your knowledge with our science book quiz! The winners will be posted on the library door the day before Christmas break (Thursday 19 Dec) and will receive a prize.

Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet Södermalm (IEGS) is an international Upper Secondary school located in the heart of Södermalm with a strong academic tradition and a commitment to helping students develop to their full potential.
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11858 Stockholm
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