The coronavirus pandemic has shaken all our lives this Spring term. As this unique term draws to an end for our students, teachers and staff here at IEGS, I want to thank each and every one of you for a most memorable academic year of 2019/2020. I thank you for your commitment, dedication and hard work in all aspects of school life, as it is you that makes all the ideas in school, small or large, come to life and be a success. I have continued to be impressed by our students and teachers during the year, and especially during distance learning where both have adapted with their teachings and learning to ensure that education continues. With your support, our traditions within the school, such as assemblies, mentor times, the third year graduation ceremony and the end of year show, have all taken on a very new form of celebrations in the virtual world. Thank you all for your dedication, for being patient, kind and adaptable.
At this year’s virtual Graduation Ceremony, I spoke about the responsibility our graduates, and you our students, have as the next generation to impact our world in which we live. I reflected that on a global level, each of you will be able to say, in years to come, that you were a student during the covid19 pandemic. You took social responsibility, you exercised your right to education, and you were one of the first students to embrace distance learning. I am pleased to say that as the year comes to an end, I can smile knowing that our students represent that 21st Century Learner that we as educators at IEGS are hoping to prepare with all the skills needed to face those unknown challenges of future generations. IEGS teachers encourage students to work collaboratively and with integrity. We teach you to be critical but open minded, to be brave and face the unknown, with resilience, without fear, to be honest, and be prepared to work hard. Essential skills for your journey ahead.
With summer time here, it allows you to take a break and reflect on the year passed, evaluate and prepare for the next year. Though your plans may have changed, enjoy your summer break, you deserve it. Rest, reflect, have fun, spend time with family and friends. Continue to listen and adhere to the recommendations by the Swedish Public Health Authority. Be safe, be healthy, and as always, I encourage you to read a book during the summer break! Perhaps one of my favourites The Alchemist by the Brazilian poet and author Paulo Coelho for our first and second years, and perhaps the short story, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, by F Scott Fitzgerald for our Graduating Class of 2020.
Happy Summer!
/Dr Heimeier